路由# 321076470

如何设置 自动存款


One of the easiest ways to increase your savings is by setting up automatic savings. 无论你是 building your emergency fund or saving up for something special, automating your savings is one of the best ways to reach your goal. Patelco在线™, our online banking platform, has the tools you need for automatic saving – so read on to learn how to set it up, as well as other methods of automatic savings.

1. 省钱 从每一份薪水中

As the classic advice goes, “pay yourself first.” There are several ways to do this, the most popular being splitting your paycheck automatically. Most employers today offer direct deposit, and most will split your paycheck by a percentage or a certain amount (such as 20% or $200).

Have your employer send a certain percentage or amount into your Patelco savings account, and the rest of it into your Patelco checking account. This gives you more access to your spending money in your checking account while preserving a portion of each paycheck in your savings.

Don’t have direct deposit set up yet? It’s easy to start the process. Download our direct deposit form in Patelco在线. 从主菜单中选择 账户 然后 设立直接存款. Choose your account from the 下拉 menu, then select 下载. (The form generated will have all the info you need to give your employer or benefit provider.)

2. 有Patelco split your paycheck for you

If your employer doesn’t support splitting your paycheck, Patelco will do it for you! Check out these instructions for setting up 汽车matic 支付roll Disbursement – choose your amounts and accounts, fill out 表单, send it to us, and we’ll do the rest.

3. 自动省钱 从帕特尔科的账户里

To save automatically into your Patelco savings account each month, start by logging in to Patelco在线. 从主菜单中选择 转移 & 支付 然后点击 转帐或付款. 在 账户 section, choose your Patelco account (such as your checking account) as the 从账户, and your savings account as the 承担责任.

Select 有多少 你每个月都想存钱. 下 ,选择 频率, such as Weekly or Monthly, 然后 the 日期 第一次转移. 下 系列结束中,选择 when you want the automatic savings to finish – it could be Never, 在一个特定的日期, or after a certain number of occurrences.

If you’re trying to save up a specific amount of money – such as $1,000 – and are transferring $100 each month, 你会选择 出现 然后输入10 出现次数. Or maybe you want to save money for a certain number of months – in which case you could enter an 结束日期.

4. 自动省钱 从外部账户

To automatically save money by transferring funds 从外部账户 into a Patelco account, follow the instructions above but choose an external account (or 添加帐户 if you need to add an external account) under the 从账户 下拉.

5. 使用 储蓄目标 跟踪进度的工具

Once you’ve used one of the methods above for automating your savings, you may want to track your progress. We’ve got a great new tool in online banking for that called 储蓄目标.

登录到 Patelco在线™中,选择 工具 & 设置 然后 储蓄目标. 选择 制定一个储蓄目标 button. (If you already have a goal set,选择 + button to create a new goal.) Choose the savings account you want to use for your goal (such as the one you used to set up automatic 转移 into), 然后 the category (such as Kids, Emergency 储蓄, etc.). 给你的目标一个 标题, 选择你的 目标数量.

For the amount, we’ll account for what’s already in the account. So if you want to build your emergency fund up to $1,000 total and already have $100 in your account, our 储蓄目标 tool will encourage you to save up the remaining $900 – so enter $1,000 as the total amount you want to have in the account. (In this example, if you wanted to save up an 额外的 $1,000 you should select $1,100 as your goal.)

If you want中,选择 a date by which you want to achieve the goal. 然后选择 创建目标. 得到 警报 on your progress towards this goal中,选择 工具 & 设置 然后 警报. Select 储蓄目标 from the left 然后 turn the alert(s) on that you want.

To check your progress at any time (or to reallocate money to one goal or change any other settings), 去 工具 & 设置 然后选择 储蓄目标. We’ll display your progress as a percentage, along with other useful information about your goal.


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